Let's White Claw campaign

White Claw, the OG hard seltzer that defined a segment, has launched its first global campaign. Taking a cue from its passionate fans, “Let’s White Claw” features short films centered around the iconic brand.

The beloved hard seltzer from Mark Anthony Brands has some of the most engaged social media fans of any beverage, creating an entire subculture surrounding “the Claw.”

Fans have generated “over 4 billion impressions and 46 times more social media mentions than competing brands,” according to a statement announcing the campaign. These impressions include social media mentions, vlogs, memes, and hashtags.

“‘Let’s White Claw’ was inspired by the love our fans have for the brand. It is a celebration of that feeling of pure uncomplicated fun that White Claw enables,” said John Shea, chief marketing officer for White Claw Hard Seltzer, USA.

“‘Let’s White Claw’ is about freedom and connecting. When the question is ‘should we?’ our answer is always Let’s.”

The story-telling campaign engages content creators from around the country and the globe, as America’s number one hard seltzer brand continues to take over the world. The fun stories feature real people in real-life settings.

Our Brains Love Storytelling

The brief vignettes are all meant to recreate the feelings invoked by drinking a White Claw. They feature custom tunes made by a diverse array of rising music artists.

A Nielsen study showed that consumers crave a more personal connection in the way they gather information and make purchasing decisions.  Our brains are more engaged by storytelling than by the presentation of facts alone. And that information is best received when told by fellow consumers and trusted sources, such as earned media.

“The voice of fellow consumers continues to be strongly heard when it comes to the most trusted forms of advertising,” Nielsen found.

When consumers view ads with data and statistics, our brains focus to decode the intended message and interpreted results. But when watching a video or reading a story, other sectors of the brain are activated.  The resulting triangulation in the brain makes the message easier to digest — and recall later.

That Nielsen study found that “earned media sources remain most credible.”

White Claw Marketing Plans

White Claw plans to keep the party going throughout the year. The brand will continue expanding the campaign, involving new creators to keep the content authentic and fresh.

Parent company Mark Anthony Brands introduced The Claw in 2016. The drink quickly became so popular that it came to define how to think of hard seltzer, setting the standard for the spiked and sparkling space.

At a mere 100 calories per 12 oz. slim can and 5% alcohol, it positioned spiked seltzer as a portable, better-for-you alternative to beer, wine, and hard alcohol, as consumer demand for more wellness-centered options grew. Famously “made pure,” the Claw represented a hip new lifestyle choice, crossing gender boundaries.

With its low ABV and variety of fruity flavors, White Claw is a quaffable session beverage. It won’t weigh you down like heavier beers or wine – it’s like you’re drinking (alcoholic) sparkling water.

As soft seltzer was having a moment, fueled by brands like La Croix, Perrier, and Bubly, perhaps an alcoholic version was inevitable. Regardless of the reason, White Claw hit the market at exactly the right time to help the hard seltzer category explode.

To put its popularity into context, in 2020 the hard seltzer market grew by 118%, $1 billion of which is estimated to have come from White Claw. It enjoys just under 60% of the hard seltzer, while its closest competitor – Truly – clocks in around 20%.

In an effort to give consumers more ways to White Claw, the brand has several major product expansions planned for this year. In March, its highly anticipated hard seltzer iced tea hit the market.

A third variety pack and an imperial, higher ABV version called White Claw Surge is in the works for later this year. As its international footprint continues to grow, we can’t wait to see how you White Claw.

Erin Grafton