21st Amendment Brewery Rolls Out SOMA Hard Seltzer
San Francisco’s own 21st Amendment Brewery has announced the national rollout of SOMA, a hard seltzer brand that performed well in its local release.
Women Executives Forge Future of Hard Seltzer
March is Women’s History Month, and Hard Seltzer News is celebrating the women who are making history in the burgeoning spiked and sparkling space.
Do Not Tweet #ULTRAOrganicSeltzer
You have been warned. The colony of all things artificial is angry with Michelob ULTRA Organic hard seltzer, as the brand launched a...
Spindrift Spiked will Hit Stores in April
Popular sparkling water brand Spindrift is turning hard.
Vizzy Targeted for its Vitamin C
A pair of consumer advocacy nonprofit groups teamed up to write a letter to the FDA, targeting Vizzy for its practices around adding, and subsequently advertising, vitamin C to its hard seltzers.
It’s official! Topo Chico Arrives in US
Topo Chico hard seltzer will hit store shelves in a coordinated release with retail outlets on Monday, March 29.
White Claw Chooses UK Ad Agency Kite Factory
Mark Anthony Brands International has chosen The Kite Factory to manage White Claw media planning and ad purchasing in the United Kingdom.
Enjoy a Socially Distanced St. Patrick’s Day
As we hit the one-year mark on the global pandemic, marked by unprecedented decline in on-premise consumption, bars and restaurants are seeing a rapid rise in traffic.
Cacti Launches, Sells Out Online
The new hard seltzer backed by rapper Travis Scott, and distributed by Anheuser-Busch (NYSE: BUD) hopes for results similar to other Scott-backed product launches.
White Claw Releases its Hard Seltzer Iced Tea
Starting today, White Claw Hard Seltzer Iced Tea is available nationwide, after much anticipation since the breaking news was reported in November of 2020.