Will You Break Up with Your Beer? Or Just Take a Break?

Can you come back from hard seltzer? A recent trademark application was submitted by Anheuser-Busch for the mark “Break up with beer” in the hard...

Tips For Serving a Hard Seltzer

What’s the best way to serve your seltzer? Beer nerds love to argue about the best way to consume beer. Draft lovers say on tap...

Finding Grocery Shelf Space for all this Seltzer!

Just when grocers expanded space to accommodate a wide variety of craft beer, now they are struggling to find a place to stack hard seltzer.

Seasonal Change Ushers in Hard Seltzer Debate

Hard Seltzers have been an even bigger hit this summer. What can producers do to ensure their popularity as the seasons change, especially as...

Skinny Cans Scream Seltzer… or Do They?

What comes to mind when you think of a hard seltzer or spiked seltzer? For many consumers who were early adopters, the product is...

Progressive Brewers Embrace Seltzer Whole-Hard-edly

While it seems a new hard seltzer brand hits the market every day, in the early days of the craze there were three main...

Giving the Gift of Hard Seltzer

Birthday or special occasion on the horizon?  Early holiday shopping? We’re here to help you with ideas for your hard seltzer-loving friend or family...

Hard Seltzer Evolves in Public Perception

If you watched Fourth of July fireworks with friends this year and are old enough to legally imbibe, there’s a good chance someone brought...

Straight Shooter: Texas Hard Seltzer

You’ve heard of Texas barbeque and Texas vodka, but what about Texas seltzer? Thanks to Spoetzl brewery - makers of iconic Texas beer Shiner...

Visit Playamar with Jose Cuervo

The hard seltzer boom has inspired many beverage brands to expand their product lines into bubbly new territory, yet these fizzy drinks are almost...

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